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To better understand how to face to the recurring nuisances caused by the numerous crows in Paris, a study was set up by the National Museum of Natural History at the request of the city's environmental services since July 2015.

It's about capturing and tagging crows, to study their movements and survival.
In 2024, more than 1500 crows have been captured in Paris and fitted with colour rings with a 3-digit code which allows them to be identified when they are relocated. Each year, the general public and ornithologists communicate to the museum 35453 relocations of ringed individuals, especially in Paris and the close suburbs, but also at longer distances.

This website was created to allow observers to report their observations of colour-ringed crows, and to provide access to the history of each ringed bird. You can thus consult the different observations of a bird, by visualizing its places of observation on a map.

Good observations, beautiful explorations and good crows!

The observations of ringed crows of the day 
 DateRing codeDepartmentLocalityRoad/SiteObservers  
 17/01/2025   954   ParisPARIS38P4 Rue de Châlon Pat Mer
 17/01/2025   901   ParisPARISBoulevard de Port-Royal Marie-Lan Taÿ Pamart
 17/01/2025   904   ParisPARISBoulevard de Port-Royal Marie-Lan Taÿ Pamart
 17/01/2025   297   ParisPARISRue Vauquelin Marie-Lan Taÿ Pamart
 17/01/2025   716   ParisPARISRue Rambuteau Anonymous
 17/01/2025   388   ParisPARISJardin écologique Frédéric JIGUET
 17/01/2025   389   ParisPARISJardin écologique Frédéric JIGUET
 17/01/2025   390   ParisPARISJardin écologique Frédéric JIGUET
 17/01/2025   351   ParisPARISJardin écologique Frédéric JIGUET
 17/01/2025   304   ParisPARISJardin écologique Frédéric JIGUET
 17/01/2025   311   ParisPARISJardin écologique Frédéric JIGUET
 17/01/2025   369   ParisPARISJardin écologique Frédéric JIGUET
 17/01/2025   133   ParisPARISJardin écologique Frédéric JIGUET
 17/01/2025   298   ParisPARISJardin écologique Frédéric JIGUET
 17/01/2025   502   ParisPARISJardin écologique Frédéric JIGUET
 17/01/2025   352   ParisPARISJardin écologique Frédéric JIGUET
 17/01/2025   187   ParisPARISRue Daubenton Marie-Lan Taÿ Pamart
Top 10 of the most distant
recoveries from ringing
Top 10 of the highest
longevity since ringing
Ring codeDistance  
  469   333.628 km
  013   263.734 km
  547   244.899 km
  095   214.178 km
  130   196.161 km
  160   158.433 km
  573   145.596 km
  829   121.490 km
  095   113.688 km
  133   110.626 km
Ring codeLongevity /ringing  
  001   3473 jours
  003   3461 jours
  039   3382 jours
  011   3379 jours
  006   3322 jours
  070   3296 jours
  047   3132 jours
  099   3027 jours
  007   2970 jours
  016   2947 jours

  Sources © Arnaud LH - contact site - contact Programme - Crédits photographiques : Marie-Lan Taÿ-Pamart, Yves Gestraud, Frédéric Jiguet